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HomeYogaMeet Delice Headlam - Blog

Meet Delice Headlam – Blog

Delice is a yoga teacher, psychotherapist and movement specialist, combining the principles of kinesiology, psychodynamic therapy and yoga philosophy. Her platform Decoding Movement Therapy explores the human experience through movement.

Join Delice for a special class on Trauma Informed Yoga which you can register for through the link here:

You can find out more about Delice through her Instagram page @decodingmovementtherapy and her website

Tell us a bit about yourself…

A creative expressive – born and raised in South London, I take inspiration from all experiences. 

What does a typical day look like for you?

I have 2 jobs that keep me on my toes so I will have a meal prepped either at the weekend, breakfast the night before. Because of a busy schedule, I really enjoy the moments I get to spend with myself but that does mean waking up at 5:20am so that I can take advantage of the slow morning. 

Restorative yoga is my go to, usually in silence so that I can hear my own thoughts, face routine is done while listening to a podcast. These 2 staples ground me.

On the days I’m at my office job where I wear the hat of a Psychotherapist, it is admin heavy with session planning, report writing, and facilitating staff. On the other days, I am freelancing as a Yoga teacher and personal trainer – these days are heavily influenced by movement which means I’m able to get stuck in and hands on with those I engage with. 

In the evenings music fills the house, singing in the shower is a must because that’s where the acoustics are the best and dancing around to shake off the day is a must even when I’ve attended a class. There’s something about being able to release something in my own space that helps press the reset button. 

How did your yoga journey begin and what inspired you to become a yoga teacher?

I was in an accident in my early 20’s where I lost mobility and was in rehab. Firstly I was recommended Pilates to assist in gaining strength, so I attended classes at my local gym at the time. There was a change in the timetable one day, but I hadn’t paid attention so in fact I found yoga accidentally. The yoga teacher, a South Asian lady, was so accommodating to my practice and in savasana I felt like I had received a hug from the inside out. I remember tears leaking from my eyes and I really didn’t understand why but it felt like a really good release. I continued going and it really helped my mental state. I was in a dark place mentally and yoga really jump started the journey of rebuilding trust in my body.

Yoga then became my go to for stress relief including when I was at uni and after uni. I wasn’t sure what the next steps were post uni but I knew that I didn’t want to stop moving  (I studied dance) so I focused on fitness and yoga. 

What inspired you to specialize in your practice?

I took a liking to vinyasa / dynamic vinyasa as I felt like I was dancing around the mat. I often get lost when in flow because my body just syncs with my breath, I switch off my thinking and let my body move intuitively. 

How have you seen yoga benefit your students?

The breath is the number 1 tool in our box – it navigates everything. Taking the time to connect with the breath, I’ve seen people really allow themselves to be honest with what they need from their yoga practice, as opposed to what they think they need to do on the mat. Trusting themselves in their capabilities on and off the mat, its been really heartwarming to see people peel back a layer and allow themselves ‘to be’.

What is your favorite quote or life motto?

‘We choose who we are by how we define ourselves’


You can find out more about Delice through her Instagram page @decodingmovementtherapy and her website



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