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HomeWeight LossMarkiesha lost 90 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Markiesha lost 90 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Markiesha lost 90 pounds. She overcame a bad breakup and depression to create a healthier lifestyle for herself and her daughter. She used a combination of gastric sleeve surgery, good nutrition and exercise to change her life.

Markiesha before and after weight loss

Social Media:
Instagram: @sweet_sweetpea
Tiktok: sweet_sweetpea 

My name is Markiesha, I’m from Detroit, Michigan, and I’m 38 years old.

What was your motivation?
My motivation for losing weight is to be healthy for myself and my daughter. I went through a bad breakup and would overeat due to depression over the past three years. It was terrible! I tried every clinical weight loss program and even took weight loss suppressants. 

How did you change your eating habits?
To start my healthy lifestyle, I mainly stopped eating carbs such as pasta, bread, etc. I ate more protein and vegetables. 

What is your workout routine? My workout routine is mainly cardio. I use the treadmill or walk at the track for 30-45 minutes 3-5 days a week. It’s at times very difficult to maintain a balance with work, home life, and working out. 

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
My starting weight was 290 pounds, at 5 feet, 6 inches tall. My current weight is 200 pounds. My goal weight 180 pounds.

When did you being your weight loss journey?
I got tired of being the “heavy set” girl in the group. I was also healing from depression and my past relationship. So I started my weight loss journey with Ascension Medical Weight Loss for about 6-7 months. Then I had Gastric Sleeve Surgery on July 11, 2022. Having surgery is the best decision of my life! 

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
The best lesson I learned is you have to step out on faith and take that risk. I needed to get my life back! 

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
My favorite saying is like Nike: “Just Do it” I encourage all women to put themselves first and live life. Happiness is within. You are your biggest cheerleader. Never live life in fear!



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